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Friday, April 28, 2017

Milwaukee PBS Great TV Auction

It's has been a great honor to be selected as the Wisconsin Collection Artist for the 2017 PBS Great TV Auction.  The auction begins today, April 28 and continues through May 6 on Channel 36. 

To learn more about my paintings and inspiration, take a couple of minutes to view the segment that appeared on the Arts Page.  Here is the link:

My painting of "Buttercup" was inspired by my childhood on the family farm in rural Blanchardville located in Southwest Wisconsin.  The original oil painting and 100 prints, including 10 remarques will be offered for bidding. 
The original oil painting "Buttercup" 14 x 11

An example of one of the 10 remarques that will be available during the auction

Signing prints at Milwaukee Public TV
Please support our wonderful PBS programming - watch and bid!  The auction runs April 28-May 6 from 3 pm - 11 pm.  THANKS!