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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Get outside and play!

You've heard this before from parents and teachers....get outside and play!  That's how winter plein air painters feel about the snow.  We are excited about the many creative opportunities with the winter landscape. 

All are invited to see more than 55 winter plein air paintings at the "Painting the Winter Muse" exhibit.  My painting buddy Lynn Rix and I have been tucking away winter paintings for five seasons to share our enthusiasm for Wisconsin's winter wonderland. 

From the Cedarburg Art Museum:  "Two Wisconsin artists embrace the coldest season of the year.  Enticed by the beauty of shapes, colors and atmosphere of the frozen landscape, Lynn Rix and Pamela Ruschman paint Wisconsin en plein air.  All of these paintings have been created outdoors with the artists' boots planted firmly in the snow." 

Please join us at the opening reception on Saturday, January 28th from 2-4 pm, Cedarburg Art Museum.
It was an honor to be featured in Outdoor Painter, a national online publication for the plein air enthusiast.  Read about our passion here:
As always, thank you for taking the time to browse my blog.  Happy Winter! 

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